This camp kitchen is like the "Letherman Multi Tool" of culinary underbosses.
1 Lexan salt and pepper shaker (full of ground chiles)
1 GSI Extreme Cookset
2 Orikasa Folding Dining Sets
2 ultra lite cutting boards
2 light my fire sporks
1 snow peak Giga Stove
1 Brunton Optimus Multi Fuel Stove
1 small tupperware of kosher salt
1 small tupperware of fresh cracked pepper
1 small tupperware of adobo,
1 small tupperware of pico de gallo spice mix
1 medium bottle of extra virgin olive oil
1 small bottle white truffle oil
My own chef's knife wrapped and taped in cardboard
My favorite tongs
The smallest cheese grater I could find
2 MSR Camp-towels
1 small bottle Dr Bronner's All-In-One Soap
1 2 gallon bladder
1 small backpackers folding grill
2 cheap throw away sponges